As a credit union, your goal is to help your members achieve all of their financial needs, wants, and dreams. To reach this goal you need a team that is consistently promoting the products and services that will help your members save time and money, make more money, and make their financial lives more convenient. The only problem is the member service your team provides is best described as “Order Taking” rather than “Value Creating.”

If this describes your credit union, you are not alone. Many, if not most credit unions struggle with an “Order Taker” approach to service and sales, and they are looking for a way to change it. In this 60-minute recorded training, we will discuss the 4 essential elements to build and maintain a highly effective sales and service culture which is focused on creating value rather than just taking an order.

Presented by:

Nick Brown

President of SalesCU

23+ years of credit union sales and leadership experience